Thursday, 10 June 2010

Barbara Rae

When I was in London briefly a couple of weeks ago (en route to Portugal) I saw this interesting exhibition by Barbara Rae, the Scottish painter and printmaker.
I was inspired by her use of overlays of translucent colour. She uses a monotype method, which I willl study. The dyes that I use on fabric are very good for translucency, which is probably why I like them so much, but I do not know what medium would be as good on paper. Watercolour is almost too translucent.

Checking in

I have been away this month, first to Portugal for a riding holiday
and then to a Highland retreat for a great tai chi experience. I have met lots of people and had a good time. Now back to the studio.

I am preparing for my Open Studios event. My holidays, particularly the tai chi week, helped me to get this into perspective. I will be showing some work-in-progress, an honest account of where I am at (if possible). I have planned it carefully, and decided to pin drawings and prints up on large sheets of polystyrene. This looks fine and is a lot cheaper and simpler that mounting and framing work. I will write some info to explain my ideas and have some books for people to look at.

It is great to have this opportunity of focussing on and displaying what I am doing. Thanks to all the hard work by organisers of Forth Valley Open Studios,